I will never write a new post. So I am updating, ready or not...
I start language school on Tuesday, and I am really thankful for that. I am ready to have a schedule and people to fill my days, but that is developing quite slowly.
Ummm, update on the past week. This week I had the chance to go to a surfer's group on Tuesday night, and it was so much fun! I met two sweet girls there, Anicia and Vania...I think we are going to see 007 together next week. It was a huge blessing to meet them because they love sports (which I am told many Portuguese girls don't at our age), art, movies, music, etc. I also met Joao and Luis, two surfers who want to give me lessons this winter. I plan on bargaining on the price with them by taking new photos for their websites.
I was invited by my host family in Sevilla to spend Christmas with them. THIS is the most wonderful surprise of the whole week!! I really hope it works out for me to see them over the holiday, it would be absolutely wonderful.
And personally...I am still getting settled. I love it, I really do. I still struggle with shopping here, whether for groceries, necessities for my room, or whatever else. I am not accustomed to being surrounded by people all the time, lots of people. You all know that I like small groups, not crowds...so it makes it a little overwhelming to be in a store packed full of people. Needless to say, I have walked out of many businesses after not buying the things I needed. Some days, many days, it's just TOO MUCH for me.
Your thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated. I am growing tired of having little independence, and tired of being treated as the "new" person who doesn't know as much as the "experienced" people. Hopefully having my own language school and schedule will allow me more freedom and time for thought. Until then, patience and humility!!!
I'm sure it is a little difficult being the 'new' one, but I have complete faith that it will all soon be 'old hat' for you. I'm so proud of who you are and what you're doing. :)
I can't wait to come see you...seriously, I miss you so much. I wish my life was adventurous as yours right now. I hope I see you sooner than later. Love you my friend.
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