today I sat at a coffee shop about a 30 minute walk from my apartment, and I proceeded to write a list of things which I don't understand. not things like "astrophysics", but more along the lines of life's mysteries. that is probably not surprising to those of you who know me best; I am never quite contented to leave things unquestioned.
so here goes...things which I don't understand:
- why some dear friends lost their child
- why hatred and animosity reign between populations that hardly know each other
- the end of the world, and how things could possibly be resolved
- the reasons for which life is at once futile and eternally meaningful
- the workings of time
- what happened to their marriage?
- how other people see me
- that there seems to be an unlimited supply of beauty in the world
- that God saw it good to create human beings, thought we have a tremendous propensity for good and evil
- why humans can recognize God's attributes, arrange an understanding, and still be lost
- the working of God among men, how marvelous a mystery
- why we, as humans, hurt those we love most
- what leads to relational despair and bitterness
- why did you settle?
- why God created me the way He did...can I separate the pain of those I love from becoming my own?
- how we are to be set free from cycles of strife? why some people make it out and others don't
- how can we find understanding of systems and experiences that all converge to make us who we are and what we think and feel?
- if I am weak and lazy, or do I simply fear to risk (because I may fail)
- what comprises the sacred and valuable elements of life?
- what provides the ability to attain the levity which allows us to enjoy life?
- what it is within me that fuels my endless self-doubt and fears
- do all people ponder life and its mysteries?
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